"My latest novel is both the tale of a haunting and of the history of cinema. It was inspired by my love of film classics, such as Dario Argento's Suspiria, Jacques Tourneur's Night of the Demon, and Henry James’s ghost stories. Therefore, I focused on five books that either evoke a horror element or involve movies in some way. Join me as we exhume the past and send chills down your spine." —Silvia Moreno-Garcia, author of Silver Nitrate.

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Medusa's Web
Johnny Alucard
Ghost Story
The Lady from the Black Lagoon
Siren Queen

About Silvia

Silvia Moreno-Garcia is the author of the novels Velvet Was the Night, Mexican Gothic, Gods of Jade and Shadow, and a bunch of other books. She has also edited several anthologies, including the World Fantasy Award–winning She Walks in Shadows (a.k.a. Cthulhu’s Daughters). She has been nominated for the Locus Award for her work as an editor and has won the British Fantasy Award and the Locus Award for her work as a novelist.