• 363. Stalled Progress - Is Lifting Slow & Heavy the Answer?
    Jun 14 2024

    Do you ever feel like your workouts have kinda stalled out? But what’s the most effective way to get out of a rut and start seeing progress?

    Gina finds herself in this same situation: “Hi, Megan. In a recent podcast episode, you had a guest talk about spending less time at the gym, but doing heavier weightlifting and fewer reps. I was wondering what that might mean for someone who is 63 and has been doing weightlifting, but not really increasing my weight.”

    Ooh, Gina, I love this question!

    In this shortie episode, we’re going to talk about Progressive Overload - what it is, how to do it, and why it’s a fitness game changer! As always, you’ll leave with specific ways to adjust your workouts to make them work the best for you!

    💥Taking listener questions!!! Do you have a question about your self-care that you need help with? Just head to www.vigeofit.com/ask to submit your question, and I’ll answer it for you on an upcoming Friday episode.

    More Resources

    322. Two Back Surgeries Before 40: Where He is Now + Longevity Training Wisdom

    The Jumpstart 30 Program for Beginners - Get started with a low-impact daily fitness routine!

    The Getstrong 30 Program - Learn to safely & effectively incorporate weight lifting into your routine!

    Submit a question for an Ask Megan episode!

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    7 mins
  • 362. The Impact of Hormonal Changes on Blood Sugars & Insulin Sensitivity
    Jun 11 2024

    Let’s talk about diabetes.

    Unfortunately, diabetes is on the rise, and more and more women are wondering how to properly manage their blood sugar levels. This focus becomes even more important for women over 40. Menopausal hormone shifts can have a dramatic impact on insulin sensitivity.

    To help us discover more about this connection between hormones and insulin, is Melissa Slemp. Melissa is a health coach who has lived with type 1 diabetes for 42 years - so she knows more than a thing or two about blood sugars, especially dealing with diabetes while going through perimenopause.

    On this episode Melissa shares her personal experience with managing blood sugars and the habit shifts we can focus on to improve our insulin sensitivity and maintain healthy blood sugar levels for many years to come.

    Get ready for some practical guidance on how to manage your blood sugar levels, the impact of hormones on insulin sensitivity, and how to begin to both educate yourself and advocate for yourself on your health journey.

    More Resources & Links

    Connect & learn more from Melissa at https://www.abundanthealthwithmelissa.com/

    Listen to Melissa’s podcast Type 1 in Midlife

    Follow Melissa Slemp on Instagram @bloodsugarboss

    Follow Megan on Instagram

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    31 mins
  • 361. Tips for Weight Loss After 50 - Why Is It SO HARD?
    Jun 7 2024

    Why is it the older we get, the harder it is to lose weight? And all the things we did in our 20s, 30s and even 40s don’t seem to work for us anymore?

    Listener Gina has the same questions: “I’m 63, and over the last maybe six or seven years I have gained about ten to twelve pounds. I've been eating protein and produce, but I'm still struggling with losing the fat. I'm fairly active - I swim three times a week, lift weights three mornings a week, and try to walk. It just doesn't seem to be coming off as quickly as it did when I was younger. So I don't know if there's anything additional I should be doing.”

    If you’ve ever gotten frustrated with a scale that just won’t budge, then this one’s for you. In this episode I’ll explain why weight loss in your 50s is so much harder and I’ll walk you through a 4-pronged approach to start seeing real results.

    💥Taking listener questions!!! Do you have a question about your self-care that you need help with? Just head to www.vigeofit.com/ask to submit your question, and I’ll answer it for you on an upcoming Friday episode.

    More Resources

    Ask Megan your burning question here

    Follow Megan on Instagram

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    7 mins
  • 360. THIS is Why Your Habits are Inconsistent!
    Jun 4 2024

    See if this sounds familiar? It’s the beginning of summer, and you’re ready for a fresh new start! It’s time to make some changes so you can feel really good in a swimsuit!

    So you make a plan: 30 minute workout 5 days a week; more salads and less snacks; 8 glasses of water each day; a 20 minute walk after dinner; evening wind down and earlier bedtime. No problem!

    And things start strong - Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are great! But Thursday starts to go off the rails - missed the workout, ran through the drive through at lunch - and by the weekend, you’ve scrapped your plan entirely. You can always start again on Monday, right?

    The roller coaster of inconsistency can be exhausting and discouraging! But how do you get off?

    I’m so glad you asked. In this episode I’m going to give you my favorite and MOST EFFECTIVE solution for eliminating the erratic, all-or-nothing behaviors and finally establishing TRUE consistency. I have taught this method to thousands of women in my training programs. In fact, it’s probably the most important thing that I could ever teach you for your health!

    Are you ready to learn? This is about to change your life!

    More Resources & Links

    Need help getting started! Get Megan’s FREE 5-Day Jumpstart Tips guide!

    The Jumpstart 30 Program for Beginners

    Follow Megan on Instagram

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    23 mins
  • 359. How I Eat Over 100g of Protein in a Day
    May 31 2024

    PROTEIN. All the health and fitness experts tell us we should be eating more, more, more! But trying to fit 100+ grams of protein into your day can feel daunting.

    Listener Jamie feels the same way: “You're always talking about ‘Eat Your PROs’ and produce is easy, but I want to be eating more protein. Can you give us some other options for protein besides string cheese, peanut butter, and chicken strips? I'm not a big fan of protein powders, so can you just tell us what you eat?”

    In this quick episode, we’ll talk about all things PROTEIN! I’ll give you some ideas for whole food protein sources - no protein powders necessary! - and then walk you through what a typical day of eating over 100+ of protein looks like for me.

    💥Taking listener questions!!! Do you have a question about your self-care that you need help with? Just head to www.vigeofit.com/ask to submit your question, and I’ll answer it for you on an upcoming Friday episode.

    More Resources

    Ask Megan your burning question here

    Follow Megan on Instagram

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    8 mins
  • 358. At a Crossroads - Does Your LIFE Actually Depend on Lifting Weights?
    May 28 2024

    As we get older, it’s easy to look around and think the chance to change our fitness has passed us by. That in our 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond, we have missed the opportunity to get strong and now have to just “settle” for what we have.

    But nothing could be further from the truth!

    Meet Rachel Cosgrove - one of the most influential trainers and strength coaches in the industry, and author of the book Age Strong.

    As she was approaching 40, Rachel realized that her fitness and nutrition choices had caught up with her. Wanting to change her health trajectory, she set a personal goal of being in the best shape of her life by the time she turned 50 - and she did it!

    In this episode Rachel is sharing incredible real life stories of women in midlife and beyond who are building strength, alleviating menopause symptoms, and improving their overall health - and how you can do it too! Prepared to be inspired.

    More Resources & Links

    Get Rachel Cosgrove’s new book Age Strong: A Woman’s Guide to Feeling Athletic and Fit After 40

    Follow Rachel on Instagram

    Need help getting started! Get Megan’s FREE 5-Day Jumpstart Tips guide!

    The Jumpstart 30 Program for Beginners

    Follow Megan’s YouTube channel

    Follow Megan on Instagram

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    32 mins
  • 357. List of the Best Supplements for Aging Women
    May 24 2024

    In the confusing world of supplements - and influencers touting their miraculous benefits - it’s hard to know what’s worth taking and what you should skip.

    Listener Lynn asks: “I would like to know what supplements you recommend for a healthy 76-year-old to take other than a multivitamin and a probiotic? Thanks!”

    In this quick episode we’ll talk all things supplements and which ones I recommend, with your doctor’s approval, of course!

    💥Taking listener questions!!! Do you have a question about your self-care that you need help with? Just head to www.vigeofit.com/ask to submit your question, and I’ll answer it for you on an upcoming Friday episode.

    More Resources

    Thorne Research

    Here are the supplements mentioned in this episode:

    • Multivitamin
    • Omega-3
    • Vitamin D
    • Magnesium
    • Probiotic
    • Creatine
    • Protein powder

    Submit a question for an Ask Megan episode!

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    8 mins
  • 356. Is Stress Silently Killing You?
    May 21 2024

    So often stress can feel mental and emotional - but the reality is stress can take a physical toll on your body and health, as well. When you’re stressed, your body unleashes a domino effect of internal reactions to help you manage and overcome the perceived threat.

    But what happens when you can’t turn the stress off?

    In this episode we’re going to dive into the importance of stress management - and believe me when I say, this can be a life or death matter. Tune in as we unpack:

    • what happens physically when you experience stress
    • the long-term effects of unmanaged stress on your body - (spoiler: hormonal shifts of midlife can make this even worse)
    • real life strategies to help manage stress and reset your nervous system

    Don’t miss this chance to learn about the impact of stress on both your mind an your body. A few simple shifts could save more than your sanity - it might just save your life.

    More Resources & Links

    Try this relaxing routine! Bedtime Stretches to Improve Your Sleep

    Listen to Episode 324: Menopausal Belly Fat & Why It’s Killing You

    Stress-Induced Diabetes: A Review

    Need help getting started! Get Megan’s FREE 5-Day Jumpstart Tips guide!

    The Jumpstart 30 Program for Beginners

    FREE 5-Day Core Tune Up - A free mini-course to dramatically improve your functional core strength, create better alignment, and relieve back and hip pain for good!

    Megan’s revolutionary Back & Hip Fix 30-day program

    Follow Megan on Instagram

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    32 mins